How to Join Cotillion Club for the 2025-2026 Season
What do I need to know if I would like to become a new Member?
- If you would like to join Cotillion Club of Sarasota, you must be nominated by a current or previous Cotillion Board Member by February 28, 2025. Members of our board who have served for at least two years are eligible to sponsor a prospective member. You may find the list of all Board Members – past and present - via this link. If you are not familiar with anyone on the list of Board of Directors, feel free to contact the Vice President of Membership for help.
- The nomination process to become a new member in Cotillion for the 2025-2026 season closes February 28, 2025.
- Proposed new members must be in their 7th grade academic year or higher.
- Proposed new members must meet residency or school requirements.
- In order to be a member of Cotillion Club of Sarasota, children must be in the 8th grade or higher, obtain a sponsor, reside or attend school in Sarasota County, and attend new member orientation before their first season begins.
- Invitations to current members in good standing are mailed March 15, 2025 and to potential new members April 1, 2025. It is important that should you wish to join Cotillion, you follow the specified directions carefully and in a timely fashion.
- Before committing to joining, it is very important that you review the expectations for behavior, dress and attendance to which we hold our members. These expectations may be different and more stringent than those which you may already have experienced. Click here to review the Cotillion Member Rules.
- All new members and one parent are required to attend New Member Orientation. The date for this mandatory orientation will be in the invitation to join Cotillion. This orientation is mandatory for membership with Sarasota Cotillion.
- Due to occupancy limitations of the venues used for our dances, membership openings are limited. Qualified invitees will be accepted in the order in which their completed applications are received.
- If the maximum membership for your Cotillion grade group has been met, you will be placed on a wait list. Should openings be created by resignations or declinations, those on the wait list will be invited to fill those opening in the order in which their completed application was received.

What do I need to know if I am already a member and want to join again for the upcoming year?
- If you are currently a Member of Cotillion of Sarasota and are in good standing, you will automatically be sent an invitation to renew your membership on March 15, 2025.
- As a courtesy for being a member in good standing, you will receive a two-week grace period ahead of potential new members to commit to joining. Should you choose not to renew during that two-week grace period, you will lose your preferred standing and be processed with the new members’ applications based on the order in which they are received.
- If you believe you are in good standing, but do not receive an invitation to renew your membership and wish to do so, please contact the Vice President of Membership.
- Invitations to nominees for new membership will be mailed on April 1, 2025. If the maximum membership for your Cotillion grade group has been met, you will be placed on a wait list. Should openings be created by resignations or declinations, those on the wait list will be invited to fill those opening in the order in which their completed application was received.

A Special Note to Parents of Existing or Previous Members:
- Siblings of existing or previous members are not automatically sent an invitation to join Cotillion of Sarasota. Siblings must obtain their own Board sponsor and go through the new member sponsorship process the same as all other potential new members.
- If you want to confirm that your child’s name is on the invitation list for the upcoming season, you are welcome to contact the Vice President of Membership.
- We strongly encourage parents of returning members to review the Cotillion Member Rules. We strive to have every dance go smoothly. You and your child being freshly aware of our expectations will help us all enjoy the Cotillion season maximally.
- We also encourage you to reacquaint yourself with our website and current procedures. As our organization grows and evolves, efficacious and practical concerns may cause us to adapt some existing policies and procedures as well as adopt new ones. Cotillion Club of Sarasota is committed to carefully meeting the changing needs of the families in our community in a modern world while holding true to the mission of Cotillion. This may necessitate changes. Staying up to date on the policies and procedures that may affect you can help avoid confusion and potential misunderstandings.

The timeline for upcoming 2025-2026 season is as follows:
October 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025: Nominations are accepted for all group divisions. Only the applications of children who have reached the 7th academic grade or higher will be accepted. Younger children need to wait until their 7th academic year.
March 15, 2025: Invitations to eligible current members in good standing, and with no open infractions, will be mailed.
April 1, 2025: Invitations to new nominees will be mailed.
May 1, 2025: Deadline for all applications to be completed and submitted. Applications for returning and new members are accepted in order of the date of application completion and payment submission. Once a class group fills up to the maximum number, all additional applicants will be put on a wait list. Therefore, timely submissions are highly recommended.